Science Geek Christy and her Eco-Logbook by Petra Crofton

Science Geek Christy and her Eco-Logbook

Petra Crofton is a biologist and philosopher who has worked with A Rocha in Portugal, France and other countries. Recently she teamed up with A Rocha Netherlands to offer Christian primary schools an extensive free education resource about wildlife, climate, sustainability and creation care.

Science Geek Christy and her Eco-Logbook follows the story of 12-year-old Christy, her three best friends and teacher Mr Nolan, as they embark on an exciting eco-adventure to Ecuador. Along the way they face many challenges and dilemmas, like how to travel there in an environmentally friendly way.

The education pack ties in with the Dutch teaching curriculum for science, RE and other subjects and links to the work of A Rocha and Climate Stewards. The English version of the book will be published by Lion Hudson UK on 17 September and Petra is also hoping to adapt, translate and publish the education pack for English-speaking schools, education programmes and individuals.


Annual Review 2020/2021

The past year has been a season like no other and it has affected us all in different and complex ways. Yet despite it all, A Rocha’s ground-breaking work – taking place in more than 20 countries across six continents – continues to conserve life on land and under the sea, address climate change and reach tens of thousands in conservation and environmental education.

We hope you will be encouraged as you read more in our latest Annual Review. In it there are stories of habitats restored and species protected, amazing people and inspiring partnerships, as well as innovative new projects that are supporting communities and conservation around the world. None of it would be possible without you. Thank you!


Shellfish harvesting in Semiahmoo Bay

Through the site of A Rocha Canada’s Brooksdale Environmental Centre runs the Little Campbell River – also called Tatalu in SENĆOŦEN, the language of the Semiahmoo First Nation people, whose traditional territory extends across the entire watershed.

The river flows into Semiahmoo Bay, which has historically been a shellfish harvesting site for several coastal communities, including the Semiahmoo First Nation. However, in recent decades, high fecal coliform levels in the bay have made it unfit for shellfish harvesting and the First Nations communities have been forced to abstain from practices that are integral to their cultures and traditional food security.

A Rocha Canada is working alongside Semiahmoo First Nation and other members of the Shared Waters Alliance to monitor water quality in several locations along the Tatalu and its tributaries. One of the starting points is to examine factors that are generally known to contribute to high fecal coliform levels in waterways, such as septic system discharges, runoff from agricultural land containing livestock waste, cross-connections between storm and sewage pipes, and pet waste. Alongside this research and monitoring, A Rocha Canada is working with landowners and local municipalities to discuss the extent of the issue and how to combat it. Our hope is that the Semiahmoo First Nation can one day resume the shellfish harvesting practices that have been such an integral part of their culture.

Photo: Tim Hall